For those who don’t know, Sundays, 10 am Pacific, I host a weekly Zoom meeting that is open to everyone. Click here for info and the link.
Traditions the world over speak about God or the Divine as omnipresent. Just let that word sink in for a moment, this idea that there is no place where the Absolute is not. Really let it settle in, the possibility that everywhere means just that. Everywhere.
Feel the way in which every single, seemingly tiny little piece of what's being encountered right now is not just poetically but literally an absolute miracle, the inexplicable miracle of existence itself. Every single tiny little speck of it. Just start with the physical atmosphere around you. Every little piece of it, every atom, every electron, every quark that makes up the air that surrounds us is made of the same miracle of life, isn't it? Not just certain parts of the atmosphere but all of it is the absolute astonishing miracle of existence.
Every tiny little flutter of thought, this same absolute miracle, this mystery we call life. Sitting here, reading or listening to these words, the same miracle. Let yourself feel that, this miracle that you’re drinking in with every breath, with every momentary perception, with every feeling, every thought, every sensation.
No matter where you might find yourself situationally, circumstantially, experientially… you’re always in touch, always in contact with the miracle. Even when the experiential weather is rough, it’s still the miracle, shining forth in all its splendor.
That's all I'm ever really saying, that there is only the miracle of existence and that it is what’s always being experienced, with no exceptions. Feel your experience. That’s the miracle, right there, the miracle of something being here. We’re never encountering anything but the miracle.
It's just here, isn't it? Uncaused. It's always this explosion of life, the big bang, something magically appearing out of nothing. This constant streaming forth of aliveness, of vital creativity, of potency.
We think of certain things as being more powerful and others as being less powerful. We think of certain things having more energy, and others having less energy, certain things having more meaningfulness, and other having less. But see how all of it is unthinkably powerful, the energy of life itself, springing forth as each moment, all of it meaningful, simply because it is…
We don't have to go looking for the miracle because we are partaking of it already in and as everything that’s appearing. Every breath the miracle, every little flicker of thought, feeling, sensation, the simple yet subtle and profound feeling of being that pervades every moment, the being-ness of what is, all of it, the miracle.
This ever-present, all-pervading, omnipresent miracle is all-nourishing because it's life. It is literally life-giving, isn’t it, this pouring forth of reality that appears as each moment? Feel this, the constancy of it, even as it keeps moving and shifting, never fixing on anything, never concretizing or stabilizing, just this smooth, ever-changing, easeful flow.
No experience can bring us closer to the miracle, nor can any experience take us away from it for we are the miracle itself. We don't have to seek after a particular insight or state of consciousness because the one that's showing up right now, the current perception, is itself the miracle, the absolute miracle of being.
Even sitting here in the DMV - The Miracle
Engagement with this Aliveness, not a doing or a choice...just the Way and the Wonder of This and This and This. Thank you John for always pointing us (me) back to the experience of appreciation and gratitude for life as it is.